Should you consider outsourcing social media?
Written BY: k.scarpati
It’s pretty common these days to outsource age-old industry cornerstones, like accounting and customer service.
But what about outsourcing your social media marketing?
According to a survey by MerchantCircle, two-thirds of small businesses are using social media in some way to market their business. However, one-third of the same companies surveyed said that a lack of time and resources is their chief online marketing challenge.
Social media marketing is a very new marketing strategy, since the two most popular social media sites (Facebook and Twitter) were just developed last decade. Social media marketing “should tie business to communication strategy,” Principal of Socialized PR Joel Postman said.
Outsourcing social media, then, should be tied directly to good communication. However, that’s where the idea of outsourcing social media can fall short. Any business owner who outsources will tell you that one of the chief problems in outsourcing is communication, which could potentially make outsourcing your social media a dangerous idea.
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Social media marketing is still being tweaked, and is evolving on a daily basis. Outsourcing requires the simplest form of a service in order to succeed. While outsourcing social media marketing will undoubtedly gain steam as we move forward, the whole idea could be a risk for your business given the ever-changing social media world.
Before you consider outsourcing social media marketing, consider how effectively platforms like Facebook and Twitter can propel your business to where you want to go, and if outsourcing Facebook and Twitter services can free up time on your end to focus on more pressing needs.
Otherwise, it might be a good idea to hold off on outsourcing such services, until social media becomes more tightly defined.