Supply Chain Digital February is here!

The February edition of Supply Chain Digital is live and kicking, click here to take a look.
In many areas the Supply Chain world is at the forefront of what is currently possible. Having helped drive innovation throughout a period of global belt-tightening, its relative constancy will likely perform a dual role by also acting as the litmus test for other’s now looking to take tentative steps in expansion and invention. As markets pick up and keen eyes start straining for signs it is safe to come out, our playground will likely provide them.
This issue of Supply Chain Digital supports this position. This month we feature the history of rugged mobile computers, industry-specific mini-marvels that have always been at the cutting-edge of mobile technology.
The ‘cold chain’ is an area where the latest in refrigeration technology is found, for example with the transit of cargo by Third-Party Logistics providers requiring storage at a precise temperature. Our look into the possible supply chain applications of advances in data centre cooling is a case in point.
Advances in thinking promulgate from daily interactions between businessmen and consultants who make a living helping organisations realise their supply chain potential. Strategic minds work to break down barriers to progress posed by misconceptions or failures in approach and our discussion on flaws in the application of Lean principles to procurement operations is a snippet of this ongoing, global conversation.
We then take a look at the Omni-Chanel Retail trend and wider supply chain implications, demonstrating that ours will continue to be the proving ground where all industry meets.
Enjoy the issue.
Joseph Wilkes