KPMG: The Future Of Supply Chain

By Jack Grimshaw
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The supply chain is facing a perfect storm of change. Business as usual is no longer an option. There’s increasing pressure on all sides of business to transform. From empowered customers who have high expectations to data management and emerging technologies. The future of supply chain is changing. It’s no longer a single source platform. It’s a platform of sharing. In the midst of large scale disruption, there are new cyber threats and a battle for future-ready skills. The competitive advantage is no longer about cost reduction, the power is in the hands of the consumer to make fans of brands. Tomorrow’s supply chain leaves behind the reactive, the rigid and the slow for a customer-centric, demand-driven, automated and connected ecosystem. A system that is swift to adapt to demand using and forward thinking technologies. The supply chain of the future works cross-functionally across the entire enterprise to leverage more data, exploit micro supply chains and nurture new skills and roles to improve performance. 


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