Ten Reasons You Should Consider a Career in Logistics

Philip Rudy, from DiakonLogistics.com, explains why he loves his career in logistics and why other people should think about becoming a ‘logistician’
Logistics is one of the most important career fields in the world. Without the planning and execution of the distribution of resources, society as we know it would cease to function and food shortages would cause chaos around the world.
Every company uses logistics even though full-time logistics managers may not be employed. The work of a logistician begins with bringing in the supplies and raw materials necessary for a business or organization to operate. Inbound logistics are then used in conjunction with outbound logistics to distribute products or services where they are in demand.
If you are thinking about a career change, the field of logistics has much to offer.
Following are the top 10 reasons to consider a career in logistics:
1. New opportunities are opening in logistics.
As the global economy has expanded, logistics has become increasingly important. Outsourcing has provided new challenges and new opportunities in logistics. Estimates provided by the U.S. Department of Labor show that logistics jobs will increase in number by 25.5 percent from 2010 to 2020. This estimate means that an additional 27,800 jobs will have been created in this timespan.
2. Careers in logistics are paying more than ever.
In 2002, the average salary of logisticians was $53,000. Today, the median annual earnings of logisticians is nearly $74,000. Although the salary distribution for the lowest 10 percent was $43,500 in 2010, the top 10 percent were earning over $108,000 per year. The top market for logisticians in the U.S. is Bellingham, WA, where the average annual salary is $96,740.
3. Jobs are available in logistics for people of all education levels.
Logistics may seem like a complicated job that requires an advanced degree, but this depends on which facet of logistics you enter. Truck drivers, warehouse workers and forklift operators are all part of the logistics team, but they are organized and directed by mid-level managers and experienced logistics executives.
4. Advancement opportunities in logistics are plentiful.
Because logistics has so many facets and levels, opportunities for advancement are always available. In addition, the logistics industry tends to promote and train low-level employees to high-level positions rather than hire from the outside. Promotions are commonplace, and the hardest working and most innovative individuals can advance quickly.
5. Logistics training can be provided by the U.S. government.
Many people who enter the field of logistics do so after serving in the U.S. military. Logistics operations are extremely important in the armed forces, and getting positions in supply chain management is rarely a problem. The practical experience provided by four years of military service is often enough for a mid-level logistics position in a civilian organization.
6. Logistics careers can be started anywhere.
Unlike some careers that require you to relocate to a specific area or region, careers in logistics can begin anywhere. Nearly every company and organization has a need for logistics workers and managers. However, a few locations are known as hotspots of logistics activity, including Los Angeles and Chicago.
7. Logistics careers are rarely boring.
The word boredom is not in the vocabularies of most people with careers in logistics. The sheer variety of work always keeps the job interesting, and crossover may occur when one facet is slow but another is bustling. In addition, many companies specializing in logistics deal with a wide variety of materials and goods.
8. Opportunities for women are expanding in logistics.
Logistics careers have traditionally been held by men, but women are becoming increasingly involved at all levels. Many women hold top positions in logistics companies and logistics departments.
9. Logistics is a stepping stone into the field of international business.
Many people who begin a career in logistics find that they quickly gain enough experience with international business to develop new skills or open new opportunities. Learning a second language is much easier when you are working with people who speak that language. In addition, it may be possible to relocate to other countries temporarily or permanently.
10. People working in logistics develop fraternal relationships.
People who have a career in logistics cite their coworkers as one of its great advantages. Logistics can be a demanding field, and those working in it develop a high level of pride in their jobs.