ECHA Adds 13 Chemicals to Dangerous Substance List
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has added 13 new substances to the candidate list for authorization of substances of very high concern (SVHC). The list now consists of 84 substances, and is expected to grow in the years to 2015 as the EHCA continues future consultations and discussion.
Manufacturers and importers in the European Union and European Economic Area must provide information on the safe use of articles to their consumers A) within 45 days of consumer request, or B) when the percentage of an SVHC listed item reaches above .1 percent of an article, or C) when the total in all articles per producer or importer exceeds 1 ton per year. This is in accordance with REACH policy, or European Regulation relating to the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals.
Some companies have failed to respond to the requests by the ECHA to provide this information. According to the Center for Research and Information for Organizations of Consumers, a Belgian company, some companies failed to respond to the requests for information about the substances previously on the list. The new deadline for SVHC substances is December 18, 2012.
Each of the 13 new substances is classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction and thus pose a serious threat to human life. Four of the 13 new chemicals added to the list are only identified as SVHC if the carcinogenic constituents Michler’s ketone or Michler’s base is greater than .1 percent. A full list of the chemicals added to the list is available at the SGS newsroom. To learn more about how SGS can support REACH compliance, visit
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