ePallet: accelerating efficiency in supply chain
James Kwon is CEO and co-founder of ePallet and has been with the organisation since its inception in March 2017. “I started on the technical and product side and I’ve been fortunate enough to have built businesses and companies around disruptions and new technology waves - internet, social, mobile and now AI,” he says. “With ePallet, we wanted to leverage machine learning to create a true B2B marketplace that makes it easy to sell and buy consumables in pallet quantities so we can achieve our mission of ensuring everyone has access to quality affordable food and consumables.”
As a result of the impact that COVID-19 has had on industries globally, Kwon is well aware of the impact this has had on operations at ePallet. “ During this time when everyone’s supply chain has been disrupted, we are proud to have partnered with manufacturers to help businesses and charities secure their supply chain from a wider range of sources so they can take care of their customers and clients,” he explains. “In addition, while we are all practicing social distancing, we are enabling manufacturers to deploy their salesforce via our platform to remotely sell to their customers.”
With the importance of leadership essential to ePallet, Kwon affirms that honesty and curation are key components of his leadership style. “My greatest responsibility and privilege is to point out the huge role and opportunity ePallet has to make a positive impact securing our customers supply chain during these challenging times,” explains Kwon. “Ensuring we execute with all our partners at the highest level; rising to every challenge. All of this while making sure our team understands the specific areas where we can grow as a company. While cultivating in them the desire and opportunities to challenge and grow in their personal roles. These are extraordinary times and everyone is feeling the extra angst and pressure. I want to make sure we are giving everyone we interact with and especially ourselves extra grace and love.”
With the future in mind, Kwon is eager to grow his organisation’s partnerships with manufacturers, logistics companies and customers across North America and expand to new markets. “We’re hoping for aggressive growth and we’re currently serving the lower 48 states and Canada, while also expanding quickly into Mexico. We see a bright future and are excited for the years ahead.”
Interested in finding out more about ePallet? Click here!