Nestlé achieves 77% of aim to achieve zero deforestation within supply chain
The leading food manufacturer, Nestlé, has achieved 77% of its aim to achieve zero deforestation within the supply chain of its agricultural commodities, according to Supply Chain Dive.
Following its commitment in 2010 for no deforestation by 2020, the company has developed a satellite imagery system, Starling, that reviews areas at risk of deforestation and has begun to monitor its palm oil supply chain.
It is believed Nestlé will extend its service to check for deforestation in pulp and paper, in addition to soy later in 2019.
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Nestlé to use satellites to monitor palm oil plantations for deforestation
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Deforestation has become an important topic as climate change has begun to transition agricultural production away from ancestral homelands. With satellite imagery giving deforestation a whole new face, palm oil production has been identified as a major contributor to climate change and a key driver of biodiversity loss.
The firm has encouraged other manufacturing firms to utilise satellite monitoring services in a bid to accelerate transparency within their own supply chains.