Terex: harnessing a digital transformation at scale
Terex is a global manufacturer of lifting and material processing products and services, delivering lifecycle solutions that maximise customer return on investment. Terex’s solutions serve a broad range of industries, including construction, infrastructure, manufacturing, shipping, transportation, refining, energy, utilities, quarrying and mining.
Over the past few years, Terex has made great strides in its digital transformation journey. “Two years ago, I’d have just said that we were trying. But now, it’s becoming an absolute necessity,” says Mayberry. “The biggest thing we’re centered around is IoT and it’s a massive part of our journey as we look to innovate and drive change in the marketplace. Most of our major product lines are equipped with telematics systems.”
Terex’s telematic systems are not only providing information to the users but also giving Terex access to the usage data to provide new opportunities for supporting our customers. Mayberry understands the importance of leveraging technology that makes a difference rather than utilising it for technology’s sake. “We can always tell how well received any of our technology is because of customer feedback,” affirms Mayberry. “Before introducing any new systems, we must work out why. We have to always ask ourselves: ‘what problem are we trying to solve?’ We can’t just implement technology because it looks cool. It’s all about defining the problem that we’re going to solve.”
In the near future, Mayberry anticipates digitalisation to continue to play an influential role in the supply chain over the next few years. “I believe there will be increased pressure for real-time information,” says Mayberry. “You do have that Amazon-esque experience where you can track packages, however, the shipping industry is still quite far behind. Digitalisation will start to become more transparent; whether that be standardising our radio frequency identification (RFID) tracking on the ocean freight side or clearances becoming more efficient by utilising new technology like blockchain.”
To read the full feature in June’s magazine, click here!