Research: DHL identifies new business and technology trends
Anticipatory logistics
Empowered by big data predictive algorithms, logistics providers can significantly boost process efficiency and service quality by speeding up delivery time and enhancing customer intimacy, as well as optimizing capacity and network utilization.
De-stressing the supply chain
Complex supply chains and vulnerable customer demands require the right mix of transportation modes and services. Tactical ‘slow-downs’ of the entire supply chain or parts of it on a day-by-day basis contribute to optimally balancing the supply chain as well as reducing costs in storage and warehousing.
Omni-channel logistics
The next generation of retail concepts such as cross, multi and omni-channel commerce requires logistics networks tailored to the needs of each single channel. This includes cost efficient, high-quality services achieved through the intelligent use of standard logistics networks and assets.
Localisation and location intelligence
These types of intelligence offer critical insight to enterprises, enabling better operational and strategic decision making. They also support automatic process improvement and applications automation.
Crypto-currencies and crypto-payment
Started by an underground community in the 1990s, crypto-currencies and crypto-payment have evolved to become a significant trend with strong potential as a serious alternative to the established financial infrastructures of governments, banks, and credit card companies.
Wearable technology
Beyond the hype, wearable devices (together with responsive environments and contextual apps) will in the long run significantly change the way we work and manage our lives. Therefore, enterprises need to develop strategies for adoption of wearable devices at an early stage.
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