Kuehne + Nagel reopens North American regional Integrated Logistics Control Centre

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To meet the growing demand for its end-to-end logistics solutions and to enhance its offering and infrastructure in North America, Kuehne + Nagel has re...

To meet the growing demand for its end-to-end logistics solutions and to enhance its offering and infrastructure in North America, Kuehne + Nagel has relaunched its regional Control Centre for Integrated Logistics in Raleigh, USA.

In the presence of numerous key customers, government officials and staff members, John Hextall, President and CEO for Kuehne + Nagel, North America Region, and Tobias Jerschke, Global Head of Integrated Logistics, attended a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the official reopening of the extended logistics control centre.

The relaunch is accompanied by the relocation to more modern and spacious offices, hereby representing and allocating the strategic orientation and increasing opportunities for integrated logistics in North America.

In line with Kuehne + Nagel’s global end-to-end strategy the LCC in Raleigh will further strengthen Kuehne + Nagel’s worldwide network of integrated logistics control centres, consisting of six strategic locations across the globe.

Within these, supply chain professionals with industry-specific expertise and local market knowledge are responsible for the development and management of end-to-end integrated logistics services across key markets.

Tobias Jerschke, Global Head of Kuehne + Nagel Integrated Logistics said: “With the extension of the LCC in Raleigh our customers from the automotive, aerospace, consumer, high-tech, industrial and pharmaceutical sectors will further benefit from our best-in-class service.

“Our holistic supply chain visibility and control tools deliver solutions which are tailored to meet each client’s specific needs.”

Kuehne + Nagel is an established market leader within the North America Region, comprising of Canada, Mexico and the United States. More than 100 employees in the region are currently dedicated to integrated logistics solutions and services, while future growth and market opportunities are expected to drive this number up significantly in the following years.

The value proposition of Kuehne + Nagel’s integrated logistics offering is based on a comprehensive range of services that addresses the fulfilment of customers’ orders across international supply chains.

Dedicated customer-related teams for contract management, continuous improvement, logistics partner management and customer analytics closely collaborate in a shared environment.

This will be for the efficient provision of request & exception management, visibility & event monitoring, order fulfilment, transport management, freight settlement, business systems support as well as report and performance management.

With approximately 63,000 employees at more than 1000 locations in over 100 countries, the Kuehne + Nagel Group is one of the world's leading logistics companies. Its strong market position lies in the seafreight, airfreight, contract logistics and overland businesses, with a clear focus on providing IT-based integrated logistics solutions. Further information can be found at http://www.kn-portal.com/about_us/media_relations/news/show/?tx_knnews_pi1[uid]=4810&cHash=3299f388d1d809f41d74dd234e334c8a


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