Tell us a little of yourself and Community Fibre
I'm Mike Brooman, the Head of Supply Chain for Community Fibre. We are a London-based broadband company, exclusively serving residents and businesses of London. Community is at the very heart of what we do. We bring faster, more affordable broadband to the communities we serve.
I'm responsible for making sure that our rapidly growing supply chain is running effectively, efficiently and in line with the processes and policies that we hold.
What kind of things is Community Fibre doing around ESG?
Community Fibre is working really hard on ESG, in terms of bringing community to the core of everything we do. We work very closely with the communities that we operate in, including installing free broadband to over 300 community centres to date.
What does the next five years look like for Community Fibre?
Over the next five years, we have a very clear plan to build out to 2.2 million homes in and around London, and continue to connect more and more customers to our super-fast network.
Who inspires you?
I’m a massive F1 fan, and I think Toto Wolff, the leader of the Mercedes F1 team, is a very inspirational leader. He brings the best out in people, has a no-blame culture, and really drives a passion throughout the team. He came in as an investor and moved into the Team Principal role, steering a very strong ship.
What's the best bit of advice that you've ever been given?
An old boss of mine used to say that you should be consistently persistent, and I think that, if you lead your life in a consistently persistent way, you’ll go far.
Read the full story HERE.
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