Andoko Wicaksono

PT Blue Bird Tbk. (IDX: “BIRD”) is a public company in the field of passenger transportation and land transportation services which has 17 subsidiaries spread across 18 locations in Indonesia (Jadetabek, Cilegon, Medan, Manado, Bandung, Palembang, Padang, Pangkalpinang, Batam, Bali, Lombok , Semarang, Surabaya, Pekanbaru, Makassar, Balikpapan, Solo and Yogyakarta
Blue Bird is committed to providing safe, reliable and comfortable land transportation services with easy access for customers. The company's extensive distribution network includes more than 600 exclusive points in hotels, malls, central hubs, as well as a bold range of reservation channels. The expansion of accessibility is increasing with the presence of the MyBluebird application which now has 20 new features and various transaction methods to support the ease and convenience of mobility.
Bluebird's business span across several main pillars including regular taxi services (under the “Bluebird” and “Pusaka” brands); executive taxi service (under the “Silver Bird” brand); limousine and car rental services (under the “Golden Bird” brand); bus rental services (under the “Big Bird” brand); logistics services (under the brand “Bluebird Kirim”); shuttle service (under the brand “CitiTrans”) PT Blue Bird Tbk. has been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange since November 5, 2014