LogiChem: facing the challenges of the European chemical supply chain
The global market for chemicals is expected to double by 2035, up from 2.6 trillion euros in 2015.
However, the path for European companies seeking to capitalise on this growth is not clearly defined.
Chemical producers are facing increasing competition from imports originating in the USA, Asia and the Middle East. In addition, the European chemical industry has tended to lag rather than lead the development and implementation of new logistical practices and technologies.
Download LG Chem's latest benchmarking report here.
Leading up to the LogiChem 2017 conference we wanted to investigate those responsible for the chemical supply chain in Europe are facing up to these new challenges.
As a proud partner of LogiChem, we have been offered a 20 percent discount to attend using code SCDD20. Book now: http://wbresear.ch/logicscdlkp
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