ANT Telecom to supply comms solution to Eurotunnel

Bespoke communication provider ANT Telecom has won the tender to supply a communication solution to Eurotunnel, the cross channel transport provider.
ANT Telecom will replace the existing analogue Motorola system with a Hytera digital radio solution that will provide full site communication.
The solution will be utilised at the Folkestone site by traffic marshals within four different divisions; tourist, HGV1, HGV2 and motorway, allowing communication between the teams and the control centre.
Eurotunnel also required a new emergency channel functionality that would provide priority emergency communication spanning all four divisions.
ANT Telecom’s ability to deliver flexible and bespoke solutions enabled them to better meet some of the more technically challenging aspects of Eurotunnel’s requirements, a key factor in Eurotunnel’s selection process.
ANT Telecom also advised Eurotunnel on the additional functionality our solution could offer, including dispatching, lone worker with location detection, messaging and automatic alarm messaging in order to provide a robust and future-proof communication solution.
The solution is scheduled to go live 5th April 2014.
John Keefe, Eurotunnel, said: “We selected ANT Telecom because of the specification of the devices provided, specifically the high IP level, IP67 and multi lines display.
“Furthermore, the solution appealed to us because of the emergency call functionality and the possibility to upgrade the system if needed in future, particularly the GPS localisation, trunk mode and man-down alarm functionality.”
Klaus Allion, managing director, ANT Telecom commented: “Digital radio has, in recent years, reenergised the radio market and has given users the chance to replace traditional analogue radio systems with a more effective multi-purpose digital offering.
“However, we feel we really need to work in a collaborative fashion in order to identify the key issues to provide an effective, future-proof solution that truly meets the needs of our customers and their various stakeholders.
“Both we and Hytera are extremely pleased to be working with Eurotunnel to deliver an on-site communications solution that will meet their unique business requirements and deliver on-going benefits into the future.”