AEB software update the key to freight tender management efficiency?

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AEB has announced upgrades to its ASSIST4 Transport and Freight Management software that are set to enhance freight tender management and enhance the whole process for supply chain managers.
AEB’s ASSIST4 software features a simulation function that enables supply chain managers to simplify how they compare competing forward tenders, fast-track transport partner selection whilst engaging in a process that is both transparent and convenient.
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The Transport and Freight Management software has been extended to include features that improve tender management through the use of specific tools that request, manage, and evaluate tenders. The main benefit to supply chain managers is that the upgrade will make it much easier to source a transport partner that meets a company’s specific needs.
Sourcing regional carriers:
The new software upgrade facilitates the negotiation of new contracts for one or more transport partners or when sourcing a new service provider. Software users can either process legacy data from real time shipping systems or even enter their own forecasts, which will then form the basis of the call for tenders and can be saved to separate documents for electronic submission to carriers.
Comparing incoming tenders:
The software has an interface which allows the user to compare incoming tenders with different variables including, zones, weight scales, price elements and surcharges. The user then has the option of breaking down the results into smaller areas to help narrow down the selection process when using multiple carriers.
Clarity and transparency:
Users can store as many documents associated with the tender process as they wish in one central location. This means the system tracks and can display the status of a tender at any given time. This makes it easy to identify open tenders or documents, and a search feature helps to locate any documents at the will of the user.
These new additions to the ASSIST4 software system marks a timely advancement in methods to effectively manage freight tender in an efficient, and cost effective manner, enabling supply chain managers to access data on-demand.