JAS Forwarding Perú
Added value from beginning to end
JAS Forwarding Peru is more than an import and export company. Its outstanding product structure management together with the high expectations it sets upon itself have taken the company to the next level.
The company's end-to-end service is renowned for its unparalleled quality. Its value-added processes make it possible to be on top of the game, meet customer requirements in a timely manner, anticipate potential needs and implement management indicators, thus facilitating decision making and increasing the competitiveness of each client.
JAS Forwarding Worldwide's global structure allows for expeditious decision making as well as direct access to decision makers. It is thereby able to meet the special needs of the market. This same structure allows regional and global clients full visibility of business activities. Trade agreements and specific actions can thus be identified and transferred to local branches, enabling and improving development and business relationships with new and current customers.
Technology for transparency in all processes
Choosing the CargoWise logistics software to help manage its operations has proven to be one of JAS Forwarding's greatest decisions. This tool dramatically changes the current way of doing foreign trade for integrated operators such as JAS. CargoWise focuses on three key points:
• Organizational structure
• Productivity
• Process Transparency
This system enables comprehensive visibility of origin and destination worldwide, speeds up processes, improves productivity and allows for online access to timely information regarding shipments, generating reports and performance indicators. Moreover, customers can of course access the system remotely via the web.e
Supply chain: the importance of carriers and customs
International transportation involves many operators, including airline and shipping carriers – an important link in the supply chain. The performance of this service directly impacts customers insofar as demand planning and the perception of the service received.
Similarly, customs agencies play a key role in the availability of customer products. It is imperative that this service be thorough yet swift. That is why JAS Forwarding Peru maintains close relations with the most reliable companies in the industry who uphold international standards and whose approach meets the needs of its customers, as well as possible contingencies.
JAS University, a resource for modernization
JAS Forwarding Worldwide launched JAS University which offers an online program by which employees can receive training on an ongoing basis, thereby improving their professional and personal skills and expertise.
In addition to this resource, JAS Forwarding Peru employees have access to a benefit plan that allows them to take time to meet educational and personal needs.
Continuous improvement of working conditions is essential for the company. Infrastructure, career path, and ongoing communication with the workforce are never neglected with the goal of having employees share in the company's objectives and results and be directly involved in taking the company to the next level.
Growth despite the macroeconomic environment
Within a macroeconomic environment replete with domino effects and marked by upheavals and downward trends in volumes of air and ocean freight, JAS Forwarding Peru was able to boast a 21 percent financial increase over the same period in 2015. Air transport products show a growth of 53 percent compared to the previous year and marine transportation a growth of 23 percent. These outstanding results reflect the keen strategies in place throughout the year.
The challenge of leadership regarding perishables
When it comes to perishables, JAS Forwarding Peru aims to expand the scope of its portfolio so as to offer its customers comprehensive, meaning end-to-end, solutions when exporting refrigerated products via ship transport.
Sea transport can be combined with air transport thereby covering a market need with a range of products under one operator, ensuring synergy and better responsiveness to each customer's requirements.
Seeking to consolidate various areas
Among the objectives to be achieved during 2017, JAS Forwarding Peru aims to diversify its customer base so that volume and frequency fluctuations from their main customers do not directly affect company results.
The company also intends to consolidate customer service perception by ensuring high quality standards and contributing to the customer's own growth. These goals are reasonable if the company focuses on consolidating its air transported exports and perishables, aligning the solutions to meet current industry demands.