Articles by Sam Steers

SAP launches "Business Network" to improve supply chains

SAP has launched “SAP Business Network”, a platform aimed at improving supply chain networks and connecting trading partners.

How Vechain technology is changing the supply chain industry

The supply chain sector is being transformed by a technology known as Vechain, and here’s how.

JBS Foods attack shows how hackers target supply chains

A recent cyberattack on JBS Foods’ Australian and US operations demonstrates how cybercriminals are hacking into supply chains.

Supply chain attacks: What are they?

Attacks on supply chains are becoming more common, and they look as though they are here to stay. So what exactly are they and what damage can they do?

5 ways to improve your supply chain management

As demand for supply increases, it's important your supply chain management is as efficient as possible. Here are five ways to ensure it is.

Tesco admits to labour abuse in India garment supply chain

Tesco has found labour abuse in its India garment supply chain in Tamil Nadu, admitting to several “critical issues”.

Microsoft joins 1.5C Supply Chain Leaders group

Microsoft has joined the 1.5C Supply Chain Leaders Group as it works towards decarbonising its supply chain and considers more sustainable practices.

Marelli partners with DHL to deliver logistics solutions

Marelli, a supplier in the automotive industry, is partnering with DHL Supply Chain to deliver logistics solutions as part of a five-year agreement.